Monday, March 1, 2010



In February of 2009 we were in the closing process of selling our house in Arizona.
We were becoming official West Virginia residents!
With our eyes on one particular house, but waiting for God to say that "Yes, it is in My will for You to purchase the house."

It was a very exciting time for us. With the house in Arizona being on the market for 1 year and 3 months it was getting pretty exhausting trying to get it sold.

But everything happens in God's timing not ours!

February of 2010 we were very busy with a lot of snow, and wedding planning.

To say the least we were digging for a few days.
It was nice to not have to worry about being any where or doing anything, except keep the peace with everyone in the house.
With 30 inches of snow, there was no school for 2 weeks for Everett. Alicia on the other hand, she had to do school. No snow break for homeschoolers.

The snow on the left is just getting started, notice the snow on the right and the fence rails and tree.

Jube wanted to get a head start in shoveling,

knowing that this was going to be a wet and heavy snow. And a really tiring job.

After the snow let up a bit, it was fun for all of us to get out

and helping Dad with the shoveling of snow.

After 2 days of shoveling our 500 yard drive way, we got more snow.

Just in time!

What fun the kids had in the snow...

digging tunnels and making their own paths.

The snow also gave me a chance to get caught up on those

rainy day rather snowy day projects.

I think being inside was by far my favorite spot to be.


February also brought us a new covenant in Marriage

In the Eyes of God and family and friends

Flint and Jennifer said I Do!!!

We are so happy that God has brought together these two.

We pray that God's hand will be on their marriage as they start their new life's together.

We are very happy to have a new member of the family!!

Congratulations!! Flint and Jennifer

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