Friday, March 4, 2011

It has been over a year since I have written my last blog. So needless to say there is a lot to catch up on. So I will start with a little bit at a time. Here lately we (mostly Jube) have been doing some landscape work on the yard. In hopes that it will help with the flooding situation in the basement. Here is a little glimpse of what has been happening.

The start of the digging process! Jube lifted the sidewalk back to the original height that it was when the house was first built. Talk about A LOT of work and very heavy lifting.
Then the digging continued, then the wood chips arrived to help with the fill in.
Now it is all filled in and we are starting on the other side of the house. What a process!!
We are having a lot of fun. Enjoying the warm days when they are here and really looking forward when they are here to stay for a season.

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