Monday, March 14, 2011


Baseball season has BEGUN!!
YEAH!! Who is excited?!?!
I love to watch my kids playing baseball and now softball!
I love watching them catching that high flyball!
I love watching them getting ready to bat!
I love watching them give all they got to do something they enjoy!
I love to watch them run the bases!
I love watching them smile after a well played game!
Win or Lose they did their best at the game!

BASEBALL is the American Sport.

Along with Baseball comes all the craziness of running from practice to practice.
Running from game to game. Not just every day of the week but also when they both play at the same time!
I don't like missing anything!!
But I am sure that there will be something missed somewhere.
But when I am there, I will cheer them all on... All the way!!

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Our Home

Our Home
God blessed us with a house to own in March of 2009. We know that God has blessed us with more than we ever deserve.
Here are some of our modifications that we have done with our Blessed Home.
A few shots of the house BEFORE we did some repainting.

And some AFTER shoots. You can defantly tell that we live here. I love to look back at those wonderful colors.
Now we just need some curtains to add to the windows and they are now in the making, thanks to a blessed friend.
The Lord truly has blessed us with this wonderful home. We have enjoyed having so many come over and share our table with us. We have seen old friends, meet new friends, and family came from a far.
Thank you Lord for such blessings!

The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
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Monday, March 7, 2011

This year was the first year for our church to be a part of Awana Bible Quiz.
We were all so excited. There was 4 teams. Book 1 team had 2 members: Book 2 Team had 6 members; Book 3 Team had 1 member and Book 4 team had 3 members.
We were so proud of them all . They all came away from the quizzing more confident about their knowledge in their Lord and Savior and what the Word of God says.
Everett was a part of Book 2 Team. His team came away with 1st place and Everett received a High Honors for a perfect score on his written part of the quiz. Great Job Everett!!
In a couple of weeks the T & T kids will be participating in the Awana Games. We really are looking forward to participating in the Games!
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Friday, March 4, 2011

It has been over a year since I have written my last blog. So needless to say there is a lot to catch up on. So I will start with a little bit at a time. Here lately we (mostly Jube) have been doing some landscape work on the yard. In hopes that it will help with the flooding situation in the basement. Here is a little glimpse of what has been happening.

The start of the digging process! Jube lifted the sidewalk back to the original height that it was when the house was first built. Talk about A LOT of work and very heavy lifting.
Then the digging continued, then the wood chips arrived to help with the fill in.
Now it is all filled in and we are starting on the other side of the house. What a process!!
We are having a lot of fun. Enjoying the warm days when they are here and really looking forward when they are here to stay for a season.

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