Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jube's Project

Jube is a man who loves a great challenge.

One day I entered the shop to find that Jube is taking the engine out of his truck.

"Um, I wonder what is wrong with the engine. It sounded pretty good last time we went for a drive." I said to myself.
The next day or two a lot of things were going on in the shop, not really sure what it was, but I soon find out.
Jube is in the process of putting the engine in the back of his truck!

Now this is something I have never seen before! I wondered what the purpose was for doing this. A lot of questions are going through my head, as I am sure they are going through yours.

I soon learned that Jube really likes a challenge, and also the answer to my question.

There are many reasons for putting the engine in the back of the truck, one of which is, it puts more weight in the back and makes it better for jumping.

Jube started this project around January or February, and has been working on it since.

The majority of the work is done, just the little odds and ends that need to be worked on. He has gone on a few successful drives now.

He sure does have a big smile on his face when he returns to the house!

That is my favorite part of all this, is seeing that grin on his face!

He loves to hear the sound of that motor rumble as he is driving.

One thing that I learned quickly was that now matter how much snow there is on the ground, Jube goes stir crazy and needs a project do. One which he would prefer to be done in his shop!

I loved my husband, and his creativity.

Great Job Jube!

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

8 Years of Wedded Bliss!
It has been so much fun!!

God has allowed me to be married to a very wonderful man.
I am very thankful for the past eight years together.
We have learned so much from each other. I know that I have learned a lot from Jube.

Things that I love about Jube:

I love his smile!
I love the time that he spend with his family
I love to watch him play with the kids
I love to hear his wisdom
I love hearing his voice
I love spending time with him
I love his ability to work magic on a vehicle
I love that he is a hard worker
I love that he has a desire to provide for his family
I love that he is the spiritual leader in our family
I love so many thing about my husband.
I am so very thankful that God has allowed to me have such a wonderful, caring husband as Jube.

Thank you Jube for your love!
Thank you Father for these past 8 years, I pray that we can spend 70 more years together!
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Monday, July 11, 2011

Everett's Creations

One day I walk into the office to find Everett looking on the computer for army boots.

"Can I help you Everett?"
"Well I am looking for some army boots to wear with my army stuff."
"Okay, lets see what they have."

No luck in finding Everett's size in army boots, after looking for 30 minutes or so.

"Well, I am sorry Everett but you will have to wait until you feet get bigger. Sorry Buddy."

30 minutes pass by, Everett comes to me and says, " Mom, I know what I can do."
"What's that Son?"
"I can take my mud boots and if I cut them here and here and then punch holes in them, then I could have my army boots."
"Everett, please do not do that. You are going to need your mud boots for when it is muddy. If you cut them they they will leek and you will have some pretty wet feet. Please do not cut them."

A day later look what I found. Everett had made his own Army boots.

I do have so say he is a very creative resourceful young man.

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Everett's Forts!

On of Everett's favorite things to do is to build forts.
Where ever he can find a good spot, the right materials (what ever they may be),
the time to build. You will find Everett building a fort.
I love to watch him make his wonderful creations!
He has a very creative resourseful imagination!
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Anniversay!!
65 years of wedded bliss!!

Jube's grandparents had their 65th Wedding Anniversary in March.
What an amazing thing to be able to celebrate with themin this wonderful blessing.

Father, I thank you so much for allowing Grandma and Granddaddy to share this time together for some many years.
Father, thank you so much for letting us have such a legacy. Lord I pray that our marrige will be such a
blessing to each other as well as to others around us. I pray that our marriage will be a legacy to our children
and grandchildren and to generations to come. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
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